How Apple Music And Tidal Transformed Streaming (And Why Apple May Be Buying Tidal)

Music Industry Blog

It is 15 months since the launch of Tidal (which was 2 months after Jay-Z’s Project Panther Bidco bought Aspiro) and 12 months since the launch of Apple Music (which was a year after Apple bought Beats Music). The streaming world has changed a lot in that time and both those companies have had a disproportionately large amount on influence on the market’s direction of travel. Their arrival defined Spotify’s role as incumbent while simultaneously casting Apple and Beats as challengers. They have performed their roles good disruptive entrants well, reshaping the competitive marketplace with a strong focus on brand and artist exclusives. Now reports emerge that Apple is in talks to buy Tidal. First victory in the exclusives war or overspending for market share?

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